Monday, January 17, 2011

Law school. take 4.

Semester number 4 is about to commence. the time has arrived for reflection, resolution, revamping of my crusty old law school life. Spontaneity must replace routine. New experience, new friends, new outlets.
I remember being younger, and not understanding claustrophobia - how could a person really be afraid of an elevator? What could possibly be going on a person's head that would inspire such nonsensical dread? The same is law school. Except in law school, people actively try to force you to think you're in a box that gets smaller with each passing semester, and the doors close shut once you graduate from law school. I am the only one who can control my anxiety about going up the law school shaft. If I don't think about it, it doesn't exist - the fear, that is. But I already have. So there you go. But still, by actively reminding myself that I'm only in a box if I believe so much is true, I can leave open the doors, and come and go as I please. There may be some difficulty. There may be some wasted time, or money, or efforts. I'll end this thought on that note, lest I continue and start to sound trite, and recite little isms that I don't truly believe.

Nonetheless, resolutions for this year:

1. DO work only when I must, and don't dilly dally in the library unless it's necessary or for socialization purposes. Don't sit in the library reading blogs, checking emails, and wasting time that doesn't need to be spent indoors.

2. DO take time to cook and relax at the end of the day, even if I must return to work later that night.

3. DO write in your journal every morning, even if briefly.

4. DO make a point to go to different libraries more often, and branch out to non-law-student grad students.

5. DO one new thing each week. completely new. never done 'er before.

6. DON'T let your life become monotonous routine.

7. DON'T go through an entire week eating pb&j for lunch. it's certainly ok a couple times in a row.

8. DON'T stop going to see your therapist.

9. DON'T skip out on social engagements in favor of watching Law & Order SVU.

10. DON'T beat yourself up if you fuck up a little bit.

11. DO actively explore practice areas that appeal to you, including the following: Land Use, Appellate Advocacy, First Amendment law.

12. DO be supportive and available to friends.

13. DO loosen the F up once in a while.

14. DO enjoy semester #4.

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