Saturday, February 27, 2010


i hate getting older. technically, i haven't even reached my mid-twenties and already i have two glasses of wine and i'm hungover. like immediately. why are the things we love the things that are the worst for us? booze. cigarettes. and not to mention, bad for the skin. arrogant men.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

2d semester

Part deux. Novelty has worn off. Realized that big-name law school might not suffice to get access to big-name law firms. Time to kick it up a notch and really live this stuff. I need to sleep quasi in rem, subtype 1, eat the Restatement of Contracts, and prey the Model Penal Code. Ok, slow it down. But seriously, coming back with a vengeance, and feeling as though this semester is the last one that really counts, so may as well- just for the shits and giggles of it all- go balls to the walls.

Dabbling in romance during law school is a bad idea. Nerves from potentially feeling the wrath of the Socratic Method are confused with nerves from potentially seeing Mr. Lawstudent, and the result is an expenditure of too much nervous energy.... a precious fuel that must be conserved for the gauntlet that law professors like to called "finals." Maybe the situation is different when you are in a serious relationship with someone, meaning the thrill is gone, and the two of you become more like co-counselors than a romantic item. Well, I'm not willing to become latched onto someone just yet. As a woman, it is especially important to make a name for yourself in this field, and not become the mere other-half to Mr. Lawstudent. So, sorry sir, but I don't have the energy or willingness right now.

j-o-b-z. looking at human rights positions 'round the world, judicial internships, and a couple of interesting research positions.... ya veremos. (we'll see.) It would be nice to do something meaningful this summer, use my legal edumacation to do some good in the world. For this reason, I've been focusing more on grass-roots-type organizations, where the work is more connected to the people, rather than some huge charitable corporation.

Hasta la proxima!