Tuesday, December 1, 2009

finals. cuckoo.

I can't wait to have a proper job so I can plaster inspirational little tid-bits such as this (above) all over the place. Leaving room for my taxidermy kitten calendar of course.

I'm trying to keep up with the reading in the final weeks of classes- and by keep up, I mean actually read, retain, digest- I would only be doing myself a disservice if I skim now or do a half-ass job, because I'll only have to re-read when I outline next week.

So far it's been all friendly, and supportive, and "super-competitive, frigid law students? Phsaw! We're having fun." until recently that is... the tide has changed and I can't even be in the law school anymore without feeling consumed by the atmosphere of anxiety. Seriously, I've succumbed to home study, unable to deal with the lonely carrels, the useless jabber about what I am or am not doing, the dinner by plastic fork and fluorescent library light. I'd rather get home, get in my comfies, and do the thing. Sometimes that nervous energy is motivating, but right now it only leads to unproductive worrying.

I look at my bed, and I think - I cannot wait to get into you. I love having a big, cozy bed to retire to.

On that note, back to Civil Procedure so that I can get into that big, cozy bed at a reasonable hour, and stay there for 5 - 6 more.


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